Introduction of AI technology into the Teacher Safety Hotline for the first time
Introduction of AI technology into the Teacher Safety Hotline for the first time

We are developing and providing various technologies to support the simplification of administrative tasks for teachers using AI, which allows teachers to focus more on their teaching


Teacher Safety Hotline, i-Scream call

Teachers communicate with students and parents through the i-Scream call safety number.
Teachers communicate with students and parents through the i-Scream call safety number.
desktop_icon Phone number exposure X, AI consultation O, auto-recording O, group management O
Protecting teacher work-life balance
Prevent complaints with the first "visible ARS" for the Teacher Safety Hotline
Support for automatic call recording, storage, and AI-powered STT (Speech-to-text) conversion
Convenient features such as setting office hours, prompts, and out-of-office notifications

AI-powered chatbot for parents consulting

AI chatbots eliminate unnecessary complaints and protect privacy AI chatbots eliminate unnecessary complaints and protect privacy AI chatbots eliminate unnecessary complaints and protect privacy
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