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A new dimension for smart classrooms, Classtool
선생님의 화면이 학생들과 이어진 모습
Teacher-student interactions
  • Experience interactive activities that allow for real-time communication between teachers and students.
  • Engage with students with OX quizzes, multiple choice, and essay questions.
  • Make lessons more engaging with whiteboard drawing and problem submission.
Create multiple-choice questions
Generate Entry Code screen
Fixed class code
  • Class codes can also be created in Korean, which makes it easier for students to remember and enter classes.
  • Fixed class codes make it easier to participate in class and easier to communicate to students.
Web Link/Content Share Features
  • Easily send anything you want to your students with a single click.
  • Improve student understanding of your lessons with a variety of content delivery features.
  • Enrich your lessons with web links, content delivery, and more.
A teacher sends content to a student's screen
Create My Class screen
Design and save pre-lesson activities
  • You can save class activities before class by entering quizzes, web link addresses, and more.
  • During class, you can bring up your saved activities for efficient time use.
Class and Student Management
  • Linked services are also available as class is created.
  • You can easily manage student attendance by registering students in the class.
Running Classes Screen
AI submission screen
AI Problem Solving
  • View correct/incorrect results, detailed analysis of students’ solutions, and the completed test papers.
  • Provide critiques based on the results, which you can edit, copy/paste, and download to Excel.
  • You can view AI aggregate analysis of students' answers, the most common questions in your class, and the most common questions per unit.
Get started with Classtool
for more convenient and effective teaching
How to start a ClassTool class, ClassTool features, and add-ons
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