In the era of digital transformation, i-Scream media is leading public education in South Korea and
growing as a global EdTech company.
Our digital educational content platform, i-Scream S, is currently used in more than 93% of elementary
school classrooms nationwide. i-Scream textbooks have secured the top position in certified textbooks
for mathematics, social studies, and science for grades 3-6. Additionally, HiClass, a platform
connecting teachers, parents, and students, has become an indispensable classroom community for
schools with over 4 million annual users.
The competitiveness of future education depends on continuous service and content development, and the
utilization of cutting-edge technology. For the past 20 years, i-Scream media has accumulated over 6.5
million multimedia educational content items and secured a strong competitive edge through "i-Scream
S", Korea’s largest educational platform with 220,000 weekly teacher users. Since 1999, our Smart Lab
has been at the forefront of EdTech, developing ICT technologies and providing innovative learning
i-Scream media is intensively developing various EdTech classroom tools such as HiClass, ThinkerBell,
EduBank, and Classtool, as well as cutting-edge AI technologies including AI learning support, voice
recognition, chatbots, virtual humans, and voice convertor. We are striving to ensure these products
gain recognition not only domestically but also globally.
Securing future growth engines is a key challenge for EdTech companies. i-Scream media will continue
to accurately identify the needs of schools and maintain ongoing R&D efforts to contribute to building
the future of classrooms.